Brother Smith

Originally from the Bronx, New York, Brother Smith attended the University of Maryland at College Park and graduated in December 2000 with a BS in Finance. Upon graduation, Brother Smith has worked for Booz Allen Hamilton, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), and Amtrak while providing deep business and technical acumen in Cybersecurity, Systems Implementation, Governance, Risk and Compliance to the public and private sector. In addition, Brother Smith obtained his MBA from Johns Hopkins University in 2008. Brother Smith currently resides in Maryland while enjoying quality time with his family where you can often time him at an indoor/outdoor track, football field or gymnastics competition on the weekend!

Fraternal Biography and Timeline

  • 2020 - Present: Director of Membership for the Eastern Region 

  • 2016 - 2020: MAAC President & District Director

  • 2012 - 2016: MAAC 1st Alumni Vice President & Associate District Director

  • 2008 - 2012: MAAC Area III Director

  • 2004 - 2007: MAAC Area III Associate Director

  • 2004 - 2006: Treasurer to Pi Upsilon Lambda

  • 2000-2003:  Chapter Advisor to Iota Zeta

  • 1999 - 2000: Iota Zeta Chapter Treasurer

  • 1998 - 1999: Iota Zeta Financial Secretary

  • 1998: Initiate of the Iota Zeta chapter, seated at the University of Maryland at College Park

Notable Fraternal Accomplishments

2024: Facilitated the development and facilitation of moving the IMDP and Risk Management certification process from a manual labor intensive chapter and/or district-centric process to a centralized digital web based led training with automation. 

2023: Incorporated recommendations to modify and enhance the IMDP Standing Orders and training materials. 

2021: Selected by Senior Leadership as the primary IMDP Regional Coach/Director of Membership for the Eastern Region. 

2020: Eastern Region District Director of the Year (COVID YEAR).

2020: Spearheaded the initial development of the hybrid approach developed for maintaining intake during pandemic emergency (medical questionnaire, week day schedule of online training/lecture, safety management team for ritual ceremony, administering exams online via monitored proxies and one on one zooms, etc.).

2019: Successfully chartered a new college chapter, seated at McDaniel College, Phi Iota.

2018: Selected by General Headquarters and the Board of Directors to roll out and facilitate moving the initial pre screen and application process from a manual labor intensive process to completely digital.

2017: Transitioned the MAAC district conference from the Spring to the Fall which led to (1) increased participation and attendance,  (2) cost savings for the district and (3) additional time for financial preparation on both college and alumni brothers for Regional and General Conventions that fall within the same cycle.

2011/2012: Selected by General Headquarters to roll out the first pilot of the Initial Membership Development Process within the MAAC’s District VI, Area III while successfully transitioning from the former Membership Intake Program (MIP).

2011: Chief Pharaoh to Charter Line at Upsilon Epsilon, seated at Salisbury University.